Jewish wedding at Studi Romani Aventino

Antonia and Ryan

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Time of wedding photography service: Complete wedding service – From Bride & Groom preparation up to reception

Groom preparation: Sant’Anselmo hotel

Catholic ceremony: Santa Sabina all’ Aventino Rome – Italy.

Jewish ceremony: Istituto degli Studi Romani – Aventino – Rome

Venue: Studi Romani Rome – Italy

Catering: California Catering

Number of photographers: 2 photographers (Luca & Fulvia)

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Jewish wedding in Rome

The gallery is an extract from the Jewish wedding in Rome of Antonia and Ryan (she is Italian and he is American) who got married in Rome in the stunning setting of the Aventino.
The wedding of Antonia and Ryan was a day full of moments, with a double ceremony (Catholic in a church at Santa Sabina and Jewish at the Istituti di Studi Romani), many smiles, emotions and dances until the end of the reception.
The entire day was organized in details by Antonia who, despite living abroad, has planned everything perfectly.
The photo shoot started with the preparations of bride and groom: Antonia got prepared in her parents’ house and Ryan at the Hotel St. Anselmo, a very nice and elegant hotel very close to the Istituti di Studi Romani.
The religious ceremony took place in the church of Santa Sabina with a touching participation of relatives and friends.
The second ceremony took place, with Jewish ritual, directly within the Istituti di Studi Romani, where the marriage canopy was decorated for the occasion and where the traditional phases of the Jewish wedding took place (the “ketubab”, or marriage contract, including the gift of the ring and the shattering of the glass by the groom).
A beautiful ceremony!
Between the Catholic and the Jewish ceremonies, with the couple we granted a short walk to the Giardino degli Aranci and along the Tevere river to take some pictures of the newlyweds.
The wedding reception was held at the Istituti di Studi Romani, one of the most beautiful and evocative places where to celebrate a wedding in Rome.

After the dinner, served in the cloister, the newlyweds and their guests participated in a wonderful party on the terrace of the Istituti, where they danced the all night, between traditional Neapolitan songs (the bride has Neapolitan origin) and typical Jewish dances. All under a starry sky, with a unique view over Rome that only this terrace can give.
A fairy tale wedding!

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