Borgo di Tragliata Wedding

Ralph and Aish

Reportage Info

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Duration of Wedding photography Service: All wedding day

Number of photographers: Two photographers (Luca and Giuliano)

Location of Wedding Ceremony: Church of Borgo di Tragliata, Rome, Italy

Reception: Borgo di Tragliata – Rome – Italy

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Wedding photography service at Borgo di Tragliata – Rome

The gallery is an extract of the wedding day of Ralph and Aishling, a Irish – Lebanese couple during their wedding day in Borgo di Tragliata, a beautiful location just outside Rome.

It’s an absolutely fantastic place, about half an hour from Rome, and one of the most beautiful wedding venues where you can organize the wedding reception.
Inside there is everything you need to organize a fairytale wedding: there are many separate rooms for the bride and groom getting ready, a beautiful church where officiate the wedding ceremony and large outdoor spaces where organize the wedding reception. The perfect organizations of the Borgo staff makes sure everything is absolutely perfect.
The distance between the place of bride and groom preparations , the church and the restaurant is short and all you can cover on foot with a beautiful walk in nature. A place absolutely fantastic to celebrate your wedding in Italy!

The ceremony was celebrated directly in Borgo di Tragliata church, a Roman church located inside the Borgo.
For this reason Borgo di Tragliata location is often choosen by Italian and foreign couple (majority English, Scottish and Irish couples) to celebrate their wedding close to Rome.
The wedding of Ralph and Aishling was fantastic, fanny and full of love. Bride and groom, togheter with their relatives and friends have celebrated the wedding untill late at night with an animate dancing time with a perfect mix of traditional Irish/Lebanese dance music.

Thank you guys for sharing with us your fantastic wedding day!

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